Families meet monthly to support each other in raising our children in the faith. We gather for food, prayer, and a short lesson.
Meetings are on the second Saturday of the month following the 4:00 p.m.
Mass. Our first meeting of 2024-25 will be on September 14.
4:00 pm Mass
5:00 pm dinner in parish hall
5:45 pm gather in the church for prayer
6:00 pm breakout into age-grouped teams
7:00 pm gather in church for closing prayer
Although we have “lessons” for all age groups at our monthly sessions, the
primary education is done at home. We are working through the book Finding
God: Our Response to God's Gifts month-by-month. Parents may choose a
grade-level book for each child, or to work through a single level as a family.
The themes in the book form the basis of lessons each month.
Please register for Family Formation above or email
[email protected] for more information.
Parents will be guided in preparing their 2nd graders for First Reconciliation
this fall.
Parents will also receive assistance to prepare their 3rd graders and older
children for a spring Confirmation/First Communion with one of our bishops
leading that celebration.
Dates for the 2024-25 Academic Year
● 9/14/24: Living the Catholic Life - What are we doing here? (Both this class and in this life)
● 10/12/24: Faith Foundations - Exploring the basics of Catholic beliefs and practices.
● 11/9/24: Graceful Apologetics - Explaining the faith to others with kindness and honesty
● 12/14/24: Keep Χριστός in Xmas - Catholic traditions in a secular world
● 1/11/25: Holy Families - the Holy Family as a model
● 2/8/25: Sacraments in Focus - Understanding the significance of sacraments for families.
● 3/8/25: Prayer Power - Deepening your prayer life as a parent.
● 4/12/25: Catholic Morality - How does faith apply to everyday life?
● 5/10/25: Festival of Families